

And when hartbeat! was gone, some of our favourites did the big bad grind show.

You can listen to a podcast Armen Zvadjian does. Click here! He interviewed me concerning hartbeat!

Prologue: As far as the magazine came with a record, you can listen to it on this page. Just go the relevant issue. Here’s an example from #18:

The Thought 7″, given away with h’artbeat #1.

When I started h’artbeat in 1984, the approach – for one issue – was somehow different. I wanted to publish a magazine that combined music with arts and literature, and after I had put out issue #1, I got the flak by all those record collecting music enthusiasts, asking me what those poems and works of art were supposed to do in h’artbeat!. I – chicken that I was – gave in too easily and stuck to music instead of my initial plan. In order to give the new h’artbeat (as it was first called) a proper debut, Gerard Davelaar had acquired a big box full of wonderful 7″ records by the Dutch neo-garage band THE THOUGHT. Thus we were able to grace h’artbeat!’s debut with a 7″ freebie. The A-side was a very psychedelic cover of the Electric Prunes‘ „I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night“ (even including harpsichord), the B-side a band composition: „These Days“. It’s a real classy record, and I was quite pleased to enclose it with issue #1.


sample page from #21
sample page from #18














Gerard provided us with a postcard promoting #2

H’ARTBEAT!s #2 and #3 were printed with the help of Gerard somewhere in the Netherlands, but the print run was not high enough to meet the demand, and so I was back at Hitzegrad’s for no.4. #2 and #3 were of a different format (#3 additionally came in five differently coloured covers), I liked it but I never got a positive response. For #4 I was back to A4. And I stuck to it.

From #4 on I never looked back. Each issue of hartbeat! had more pages and the artwork got more and more fanciful. A lot of people were entering the boat – and again, no one ever got paid except for the odd parcel of free copies. I still did 99% of the artwork and most of the writing, but people like Uli Hesse (soon Uli Hesse-Lichtenberger, now Uli Hesse again, and a well-known author and exquisite sports journalist) offered his New-York-Dolls attitude, Tom Sobilo his Indie Rock, Beverly Patterson her Power Pop knowledge, and suddenly Nigel Cross was a member of the team, and he knew (knows) just everyone in the history of British Underground. What more can you ask for? And by #18 we also had Ulf Nawrot on board to supply wonderful cartoons and competing Ari, who was still sending stuff – more than I could use. And these illustrations came in wonderful envelopes accompanied by dear letters.There were so many people being of support: Siegfried Kalus, Lindsay Hutton, Gecko Hunger, Steve Wright, Axel Keunecke, Mike Korbik, Philippe Korpar-Migrenne, Clarke Donovan, Mick Dillingham…

I don’t really remember how I managed all the work on the magazine – I was responsible for the whole logistics, 95% of the artwork (Uli, perhaps with the help of his gorgeous wife Sabine, graced his pieces with his own artwork, thankfully), about 70 per cent of the writing, the bookkeeping, the mailing, delivering (as far as Amsterdam), shipping – with a day job to do that did not suffer at any time. Nor my family. But I did manage, and I remember when my wife was pregnant with our second child I took 10 days off with our first-born in a coastal resort (Callantsoog) in the Netherlands in our Easter holidays, and when I had taken her to bed after spending the day at the beach, I did hartbeat! magazine artwork until six in the morning (fuelled by a piece of exquisite green Lebanese – my fave stimulant then – from an Alkmaar coffee shop) and after two hours‘ sleep I ventured to the beach again with Annika. I never compromised on being a caring father – my girls and my wife will attest to that. And I never compromised on being a committed teacher – my students and their parents will attest to that also.

Yes, and always creative letters were in the post
Hans-Jürgen Klitsch, the teacher, Abschlussfoto Leistungskurs Kunst, Geschwister-Scholl-Schule, ca. 1988 (unsere dadaistische Weihnachtsfeier war ein Highlight; da wurden Keksrezepte gesungen, Engel im Müllsäcken flogen vorbei, der Nikolaus steckte im Pinguinkostüm…)

I never paid myself any money out of the hartbeat! account, I did not even get my petrol money back or the expenses on stationary or whatever I needed. It’s what you call self-exploitation, but hartbeat! as a magazine just carried itself. It was purely the fun of doing such a fanzine that was my motivation. But by the end of the 20th century, I was given the ‚red card‘ by my family physician – and I got myself a dog. I’ve never looked back. 18 years later, and we’ve got Elli, and she’s taking me out for a walk – and occasionally some physical exercise – at least twice a day. I’m a lucky guy. 1

glimpses at hartbeat! design – it’s Ari here
glimpses at hartbeat! design – my lettering and artwork
glimpses at hartbeat! design – Ari again
glimpses at hartbeat! design – my drawing







glimpses at hartbeat! design – my lettering
glimpses at hartbeat! design – Ulf’s drawing



glimpses at hartbeat! design – Ari again









glimpses at hartbeat! design – my artwork for #1

Let’s wind the clock back a few hours: Gorilla Beat #13 had been very special. It was our first try to enclose an audio recording to illustrate the music we wrote about. The Slickee Boys of Bethesda, Washington D.C., had sent a tape of a live version of „A Long Way To Go“ to be converted into a flexi disc by us. We mailed it to Sonopresse in Rotterdam to have a six inch flexi pressed (6″ because Gorilla Beat was A-5-sized). The 1.000 copies of the flexi were delivered – no joking – by river barge to be picked up at Duisburg-Ruhrort. They came without sleeves in a flimsy cardboard box with the silver paint obviously not dry when packed and thus smeared everywhere – and apparantly the barge had transported bulk goods and the sonopresse box had been stored underneath them all. To make matters worse, the package with the tape had obviously been x-rayed at the customs in the Netherlands on its way to Rotterdam and thus the sound quality was a far cry from what we had expected. But even this experience couldn’t keep me from having a go at flexi freebies again, and so from hartbeat! #7 onwards there was a flexi with each issue, and from #15 onwards a vinyl 7″ EP. #15 also marked the end of the Brother Word Processor era and the change to a personal computer, which, of course, resulted in a different artwork. And for me, #15 comes out as the most creative issue. I still page through the magazine with the outmost feeling of delight. Damn wonderful, I keep saying to myself.

And if I advertised hartbeat!, the adverts had a style of their own

In #12 the infamous hartbeat! „Blind Date“ debuted. In a blind date a musician is played (ten) songs but not told who the performers are. He is then asked to comment on them – occasionally making a big fool of himself. In the original Melody Maker Blind Dates the datee was put out of his misery at the end after he’d made his comments, but in hartbeat! he could only read it after the magazine had been published. The first datees were Bevis Frond (aka Nick Saloman) and Andy Ellison, and they really set the standard for the following blind dates. Well, occasionally the Blind Date was not printable as it would have killed a musician’s reputation on the very spot. I remember a very stoned Marie and Cliff Ulsberger (two thirds of Wanda Chrome & The Leather Pharaohs) making complete idiots of themselves by not recognising the Rolling Stones and putting them down or giving the thumbs down (unknowingly) to Bob Dylan, Otis Redding, Pharaoh Sanders and the like… yet they kept on giggling all the time.

glimpses at h’artbeat design #1
glimpses at h’artbeat design #1

hartbeat! #17 was another highlight, as it included two 7″ EPs, one sponsored by Emilio Winschetti and Willem Kucharzik of Hidden Records, one paid for by me. In those days records and CDs came in by the dozen every day and it became a burden to give them all a spin, and occasionally I would write a review by just looking at the cover. Siegfried Kalus had the brilliant idea of writing about rare Punk compilations that didn’t exist. The fake LP. After publishing these record reviews, people wrote and gave us the thumbs up, as they would absolutely agree with us: it was one of the coolest records around. They had enjoyed every second of it.

hartbeat! 21 label

And: #17 also was the first issue with a four-colour cover.

In „High Fidelity“ Nick Hornby said that women have got opinions, but men have got charts. hartbeat! was obsessed with charts. Here’s one from #21

>>Top 100 B-sides, and I would stick to them to this very day

and further down you have more, mostly illustrated by Ulf. So: with #19 we started to publish TOP 100s of our regular writers, starting with the Top 100 albums, then TOP 100 singles, then TOP 100 singles B-sides. These caused a lot of discussion among readers – naturally, as everybody has inevitably got his own idea of the 100 best albums or singles. It was great fun and they even made it as far as an own website run by a reader.

The TOP 100 EPs were never published, because by 1998 I was exhaustingly working on „Shakin‘ All Over“ and I decided to close the hartbeat! shop, something I had said I’d do perhaps four or five times before. Music had become a bore, too many promo records and CDs on my doorstep, demanding to be listened to and written about, even if I didn’t feel like it. Close friends, whom I had worked together with for many, many years, failed to honour their bills, even telling me bold lies. I will never forget how a distributor in Berlin, when asked to pay his bill, said to me that he’d already signed the cheque and it would be mailed the following day. When I phoned the same guy again 4 weeks later, he told me that the cheque was lying just in front of him, ready to be signed and thus to be mailed tomorrow morning. It failed to arrive, though. And with more and more – especially British – distributors not honouring their bills I got really frustrated. With 144 pages, issue #21 had really gone over the limit also. It was a relieve to lay the burden down and finally be able to breathe again and go on holiday and not have a box full of artwork to be patched up in the car boot. Or deal with egocentrics like W.D. anymore.

14 years of hartbeat! just were enough.

…to be completed … soon!

Below you can see what the mag was all about (60s‘ artists in green, 70s‘ artists in blue); some back issues are still available:

#1: The Dave Clark Five, The Escalatorz, Rain Parade, The Pork Dukes, The Droogs, The Nomads, The Beatitudes, Problem, The Fleshtones, Psychedelic cover versions.

Came with a 7″ record in an art sleeve: The Thought „I Had To Much To Dream Last Night“. (I still have 3 or 4 copies…)

The cover was designed by Gerard Davelaar, the drawing was done by Jan de Boer. It’s my wife Linda on the backcover!

backcover h’artbeat 1






#2: The Real Kids, Multicoloured Shades, Exit Out, The Last Cry, Los Nirvana Devils, Psych Out, The Sinners, The Escalatorz, The Mystics, Acid Tapes, The Pandoras, The New York Dolls, The Left, Yard Trauma, Beatitudes, Billy Synth & The Turn Ups, The Dave Clark Five part II, Les Daltons, The Chesterfield Kings, The Halibuts

The front cover was drawn by Jan de Boer, Dutch comic artist, artwork by Gerard Davelaar.

The drawing was a study for the cover of the album „The V-Lips – Greatest Hits (Frizz Bee, 1985) – a collection of 16 Dutch Beat tracks from the 60s.





#3: Mood Six, Paul Roland, Germany in the Sixties, The Slickee Boys, new German Garage Bands, Sweden A Go Go: Bottle Ups. Hidden Charms, Wayward Souls, Nomads, Playmates

This was also issued in red, blue, green and beige.

Cover drawing by Ari, artwork by Gerard Davelaar.









#4: The Dentists, George Brigman & Split, Mod Fun, The Wanktones, TV Personalities, The Fuzztones, German Garage Bands special, The Surfin‘ Lungs. Rock Section, Paul Roland, Hollowmen, The Shakers, The Not Quite, German 6Ts rarities, The Escalatorz

Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.








#5: Brainiac Five, The Dentists, The Slickee Boys, The Service, The Shy Strangers, Makin‘ Time, Ronnie Urini, The Last Drive, The Hollowmen, The Chesterfield Kings, The Rolling Stones 25th anniversary, The Shiny Gnomes, Going Home, Paul Roland, The Miracle Workers, Dizzy Satellites, The Vietnam Veterans, The Secret Syde, Absolute Grey, The Chud, The Creeps, The Back Door Men, plenty of 60s, 70s, and 80s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc.

Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch






#6: The Hollies pic sleeve singles special, Radio Birdman, The Pink Fairies, Twink Interview, The Redcaps, Junk, Babysitters, 7″ special, The Fuzztones, The Spacelings, Frank White, plenty of 60s, 70s, and 80s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc.

Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.








#7: The Mock Turtles, The Thanes, Shamen, Miners of Muzo, The Rainbirds, The Extremes, The Chesterfield Kings, A history of Twink bands vol.1, David John & The Mood history, Casey Jones & The Governors history, plenty of 60s, 70s, and 80s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 45rpm flexi disc: THE BEATITUDES „Where Are You“.

The first issue with a flexi disc.
Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.


that’s how I felt like after Greg Prevost didn’t grant me an interview, and I’m still amazed how I could fall for their first LP, as poor as it sounds. Their 2nd is considerably better,











#8: The Slickee Boys, Shamen, Loveslug, The Losers, A history of Twink bands vol.2, Little Free Rock, Astaron, Paul Roland, Black Sun Ensemble, Rumble On The Beach, Pink Fairies, Marshmellow Overcoat, Sound & Fury, family trees, loads of 60s, 70s, and 80s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm flexi disc: TWINK „Yeah! Heavy & A Bottle Of Bread“ / THE INFIDELS „Run Away From You“
Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.

The Brood were an all-girl-band in the 80s, and my fave Garage Rock girl band. And after I had reviewed The Brood’s single(s), the band sent me their LP and their guitarist’s Top Ten list. The Brood’s  Chris Horne faves-min


#9: MC5, Parish Garden, Trevor Burton, The Great Big Kisses, Psychedelic Love Affair, Jasmine Love Bomb, Trashing Groove, Sid Bishop, The Deviants, The Fluid, The Iguanas, Legendary Lovers, The Miners of Muzo, Contemporary Australian Rock special, Dead Moon, loads of 60s, 70s, and 80s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm flexi disc: JASMINE LOVE BOMB „From Last Summer“ / THE INFIDELS „Final Solution“
Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.

#10: Bad Religion, Deke Leonard, Greasy Pop Records, Living In Texas, Mudhoney, The Nomads, The Vietnam Veterans, New Zealand rocks special, Plan B, What…For!, Clints, MC5 part 2, A history of Twink bands vol.3, Strongheart, Rifle Sport, Shoutless, Swamp Oaf, The Bags, Shake Appeal, The Shifters, The Trilobites, The Fluid, Timelapse, Napalm Beach, High Jinks, Great Big Kisses, The Wanna Bees, Galaxie 500, Girl Trouble, loads of 60s, 70s, and 80s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm flexi disc: GREAT BIG KISSES „Bad“ / HIGH JINKS „Time For Turning“
Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.

#11: Johnny Thunders, Dead Moon, La Secta, The Other Side, The Who, John’s Children, John Frankovic, The Cynics, The Walkabouts, Yard Trauma, the New Wave of Psychedelia, The Clean, Bevis Frond, Exploding White Mice, The Thanes, The Kliek, The Rose Club, Greasy Bear, Midnight Men, A history of Twink bands vol.4, loads of 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm flexi disc: DEAD MOON „Walking On My Grave“ / LA SECTA „Sweat Browny“

Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.

The infamous „Johnny Thunders“ issue – reviewing one of his last concerts. Sold out in next to no time.

Munster Records of Spain had 500 sleeves for the flexi printed. It looked like this:

Sleeve flexi 11 a
Sleeve flexi 11 b








#12: Bad Religion, John’s Children, The Didjits, Devil Dogs, Radio Stars, Maryland Cookies, The Heretics, Doctor Brown, Big Chief, Blind Date with Bevis Frond and Andy Ellison, Dead Moon, Alberto Y Lost Trios Paranoias, Eddie & The Hot Rods, Charta 77, The Petals, Shagrat, Jeff Dahl, loads of 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm flexi disc: MARYLAND COOKIES „Fakes“ / EDDIE & THE HOT RODS „Ties That Bind“
Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.

Radio Stars 1979 (pic not in hb! 12)
Radio Stars Trevor White & Andy Ellison, 1979 (pic not in hb! 12)


#13: Big Chief, Vanilla Rocket Flesh, Napalm Beach, Wilko Johnson, Cul De Sac, Head Hive & The Honey, Noise Annoys, Pop Defect, Jeff Dahl, The Didjits, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Carnival Of Shame, Wreckless Eric, The Brotherland, The Redbirds, Steve Hooker, The Downliners Sect, Gene Clark, Trevor White story (The A-Jaes, Jook, Jet, Sparks), Ed Banger/Eddie Baskerville, Voodoo Dolls, two dozen pages of 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm flexi disc: VANILLA ROCKET FLESH „Exlax baby“ / STEVE HOOKER BAND „Southern Accent“.

Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.

#14: Codona, The Rockingbirds, The Inmates, Chris Bell, Big Star, Ali Farka Toure, American Music Club, Elliott Sharp, Carbon, Blind Date with Drew Miller, Marc Jeffrey, Ron Kavana, Townes Van Zandt, Iain Matthews, Boiled In Lead, Young Gods, Mabuses, Chris Adams, Tar, The Primitives, Albert Ayler, two dozen pages of 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm flexi disc: CHRIS ADAMS „Indian Summer Days“
Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.

#15: Dead Moon, Pavement, Spodee O’Dee, Richard Barone, Lost Patrol, Odolum, Ali Farka Toure, Blind Date with Carla Torgerson, The Walkabouts, Shoo-Shain Brothers, Long John Baldry, Two Lane Blacktop, Sekouba Bambino Diabaté, The Petals, Legendary Golden Vampires, John’s Children, The Gories, Martin Newell, The Marbles, The Beat Chics, Crypt records, The Darkside, two dozen pages of 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm vinyl EP: THE PETALS „Imagination’s Daughter“ / CREEF „So tell me“ // LEGENDARY GOLDEN VAMPIRES „Lones’m Town“ / LOST PATROL „Madness Is Mine“

Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.

The first issue with a four-track 7″ vinyl record

#16: Southern Culture On The Skids, John Trudell, Otis Redding, Men & Volts, New Duncan Imperials, The Romulans, The Silverbeats, Point Of Departure, Plan 9, Javelin Boot, The New Bomb Turks, Finnish bands, Man or ASTROman, The Liverbirds history, Malachite, Blind Bats, Lunachicks, The Trashwomen, 7 Year Bitch, Steve Hooker, The Betterdays, The Smugglers, Phil Gammage, Music Maniac Records, Cliff Barnes & The Fear Of Winning, Nick Saloman, Martin Newell, two dozen pages of 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm vinyl EP: PLAN 9 „Animals Doing Things To Each Other“ / THE BETTERDAYS „Pretty Thing“  / STEVE HOOKER „Needle In A Haystack“ // MEN & VOLTS „Records Go Round“ / THE SILVERBEATS „Over And Over“
Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch. Probably my best cover ever.

#17: Jesse Hector, The Gorillas, Jacobites, Forbidden Dimension, Dynamo Hum, Ornette Coleman, Treatment, Steve Wynn, The Nomads, Finnish Punk & Garage bands, Gamma Men, Green Machine, The C*nts, Wolfgang Michels, Percewood’s Onagram, Girl Trouble, Nick Riff, Rai music, Captain Sensible, The Damned, Willie Loco Alexander, Alan Vega, F*ckface, Phantom Payn, PLO, Napalm Sunday, Senzabenza, Heavens To Murgatroid, The Boorays, The Blow Pops, Sex Clark Five, The Sneetches, The Jigsaws, The Pyramidiacs, The Grip Weeds, Walter Wray, Fifth Column, about two dozen pages of 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc., record label reviews + two 33rpm vinyl EPs: JESSE HECTOR & THE SOUND „Running Wild“ / NAPALM SUNDAY „Girl On The Wall“ // DYNAMO HUM „Liar Liar“ / THE C*NTS „Song Of The Blind Man“ + JOE BLOECK „Rain, Rain, Rain“ / MANDRA-GORA LIGHTSHOW SOCIETY „Trip & Fly (Part 1-8)“ // THE PHANTOM PAYNS „Hard Time Baby, Especially For You“ / P.L.O. „Stunning Whiff“

This issue came with two 7″ EPs, one of them in an art sleeve. (I still 5 or 6 copies.) I have uploaded only the tracks I’ve got the copyrights for.



Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch. I guess, the 2nd best cover I ever did.

#18: Wayne Kramer, Goo Goo Dolls, Wanda Chrome & The Leather Pharaohs, Splatterheads, Mooseheart Faith, Boris & The Bolshie Balalaika, Alisha Sufit, Teengenerate, Mick Wayne, Junior’s Eyes, Kendra Smith, Mandra Gora Lightshow Society, Demolition 23, Nico, Captain Sensible, Jeff Dahl, The McRackins, Donovan, Mystic Tide, Michael Hernandez de Luna, The Dadistics, The Linkers, Rich Arithmetic, Another Fine Mess, The Bobbies, The Shoes, Kwyet Kings, Sex Clark Five, Screeching Weasel, Jesse Hector & The Gatecrashers, 70s Punk compilations, Strassenjungs, Plasticland, Voot Warning, about two dozen pages of 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc., record label reviews + 33rpm vinyl EP: SEX CLARK FIVE „Ballad of the Sex Clark Five“ / RICH ARITHMETIC „A Part Of Life“ / SEX CLARK FIVE „Long Island Railroad Massacre“ // ANOTHER FINE MESS „Dreamin'“ / HARRY HEINEN „Jede Menge Lösungen“
Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.

Boris & his Bolshie Balalaika


#19: Link Wray, The Rooks, 20c Crush, The Carpet frogs, The Hippycrickets, Jeremy, Material Issue, The Sun Sawed In 1/2, The Paul Collins Band, Stretford, The Mockers, Sex Clark Five, TOP 100 LPs, Lee Brilleaux, Sonny Vincent, Shotgun Rationale, The Aardvarks, Voot Warnings, The Green Ray, The Clique, Reducers, UP, Kim Salmon, 70s Punk compilations, Lazy Cowgirls, Blood On The Saddle, James Intveld, The Cosmic Gardeners, Ed Kuepper, The Saints. Fleshtones, about two dozen pages of 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc., record label reviews + 33rpm vinyl EP: ED KUEPPER „La Di Doh“//SEX CLARK FIVE „Louisa“ / VOOT WRANINGS „Fat“ / THE ROOKS „Friend Of Mine“
Cover by Hans-Jürgen Klitsch.


My choice for the Top 100 Albums (today most of my choices would still stand)

#20: The Top 100 singles, Doctor Explosion, Motorpsycho, Pete Ham, Galaxie 500, Russell Scott & His Red Hots, Dr Feelgood, The Creams, Ghost, Wanda Chrome & The Leather Pharaohs, The Inmates, Velcro, Blind Date with Peter Gunn, Deke Leonard, The Cab, Reefus Moons, John Otway, Cheik Lô, Oumou Sagare, West Coast Band rereleases, Eddie & The Hot Rods, German Garage bands, Thee Ultra Bimboos, Not Lame Records, Numb Tongues, The Jigsaw Seen, The Shambles, DM3, Martin Luther Lennon, Sex Clark Five, Heavens To Murgatroid, Hector Peñalosa, The Sun Sawed In ½, The Smithereens, Electric Frankenstein, New Speedway Kings, three dozen pages of 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm vinyl EP: SEX CLARK FIVE „And Your Bird Can Sing“ / REEFUS MOONS „Trojan Horses“ // THE INMATES „(I Wish I Had A) Heart Of Stone“ / WANDA CHROME & THE LEATHER PHARAOHS „Brains In A Jar“

Cover designed by Chicago artist John Hill.


frame drawn by Ulf Nawrot

#21: The Sweeney, Motorpsycho, Circle, The Swingin‘ Neckbreakers, Robert Mitchum, Blind Date with John Jorgensen and Thomas Jorgensen, The Monks Of Doom, Camper Van Beethoven, The Jennys, Early Hours, Jack & The Beanstalk, The Knack, The Records, The Cheeks, Yo La Tengo, The Hybirds, Headcase, The Kentuckys history, The Shamrocks history, The King-Beats history, Heartbeat Records, Scott Morgan, Guitar Wolf, Big Bad Johns, Loretta & The Chipmunks, Electrocuting Elvis, The Swiv-O-Matics, The Electric Prunes, Mädels No Mädels, The Diaboliks, Top 100 B-Sides, The Loons, De Bossen, Clowns For Progress, Hundred Million Martians, Jalla Jalla, Rocket 69, Chumbawamba, , three dozen pages of 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s CD, LP and 7″ reviews, books, fanzines, etc. + 33rpm vinyl EP: THE SWINGIN‘ NECKBREAKERS „Daddy’s Little Girl“ // THE JENNYS „Fastest Car In Town“ / ELECTROCUTING ELVIS „Worst Case Scenario“.

Cover by British artist Mick Dilligham.



And now it is 1998 and hartbeat!’s all over.

Blind Date hartbeat! 21

Before we leave another Mick Dillingham piece of art:

  1. Well, in 2019 I was in hospital three times and I had to undergo two major surgeries. I’m alright now, almost like new. I’m a lucky guy, no doubt.